About His Grace...
His Grace Ministry started in 2002. His Grace Ministry is the preaching and teaching ministry of Dr. Bill Jenkins. Dr. Jenkins is a traveling evangelist based in Florida but has traveled extensively sharing God's Word at churches of all sizes. His Grace is available for all events including but not limited to speaking engagements, Revivals and Bible Conferences.
"And He Himself gave some to be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, and some pastors and teachers, for the equipping of the saints for the work of ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ.
Ephesians 4:11-12
To help us continue the work of His Grace, please prayerfully consider donating to the ministry

Thank You
Kaye Allen
April, 2018
I have heard this dear man of God preach many times and one thing I know will always be consistent in Bill Jenkins and that is the truth in his messages according to the Word of God....Thank you Bro Bill for standing up for that truth...Can't wait till ya'll come back to Benson Grove...maybe in June for Campmeeting? Praying for ya'll and love you both dearly...God Bless.
Some Things Never Change
Daniel Rogers
April, 2018
I had not seen nor talked with Brother Bill in over 10 years, but some things never change, and thank God, one of those thinsgs is Bill Jenkins' preaching. At our homecoming and Spring Revival, Brother Bill spoke the truth straight and clear. On Tuesday night, Brother Bill spoke on James 4:14 "For what is your life?" I am still thinking about that message. Brother Bill will challenge both pastor and congregation. It was an honor and privilege to have both, Bill and Linda Jenkins, here with us at Cornerstone.
Thank You
Royce Parker
March 11, 2018
We just wanted you to know, after hearing you preach God's Word at First Baptist Church of Southport this morning, our lives were enriched! Thank you for a great time!!
Hero in Ministry
Chip Parker
Associate Pastor
The Orchard
Brother Bill Jenkins is one of my heroes in ministry. He was my Pastor when, as teenager, I surrendered to God's call. He has been a faithful guest to fill the pulpit of churches I have served. Brother Bill is a faithful man of God with a passion for the Word and a heart for the local church. Brother Bill's own words, written in the Bible he gave me upon graduation, sum his preaching ministry up best "Preach. Preach. Preach. Red hot and gun barrel straight!"
I Have Seen His Faith Work
Steve McHargue
Fellowship of Christian Athletes
I can recommend Bill because I have seen his faith work. He does not preach a theoretical gospel but one that has held him through all his life. I walked with Bill and watched he and Linda crushed when their son went to Heaven. Crushed but not in despair...
Bill knows a very real God and shares what he has seen and heard from his life in Christ.
Wonderful Week of Revival
David Hart
Pastor, Orange Ave. Baptist, Ft. Pierce, FL
Bill, my brother, what a wonderful week of revival services, that went by too quickly. It is always a great honor to hear you preach to the church family. It is a fact, Bro. Bill and Mrs. Linda, you are Official - Nonofficial members of the OABC family. Our congregation is looking forward to your return this next year. The Word of God was mightily used by our Lord Jesus to bring about conversion and dedication. We were privileged to baptize four converts the next Sunday. The whole church was challenged by the messages you presented. Having known you for over 40 years, where has the time gone? You are truly, as William Paul Kirkendal of the Mississippi County Union Mission would say, " One Of God's Choicest Servants." May you be remembered as a preacher of the unsearchable riches of Christ. In Christ, Pastor David Hart, Orange Avenue Baptist Church.